Sunday, 12 January 2014

Signs of Change


agricutural society

slow process

North & South

work mill - moved to India/China


post industrialisation
- nation passes/dodges a phase of society
information society - knowledge economy - digital citizens

Daniel Bell

The Great Exhibition of 1851
- crystal palace - hyde park
- trade show - 'The British Way' - what Britian made
- people come from all over the world

Paris' Great Exhibition 1990
- the Eiffel Tower

- influencial - development of society
 inc. Art & Design
- lead to V+A eventually

Henry Ford
manufacturing system - low cost goods + paid the workers decent wages - so they could buy them
(DeGrazia 2005)

Ford doubled wages - justify paying more for non skills

Charlie Chaplin - Modern Times
 Lewis Hine 1974 - 1940
Norma Ray - film
Turner - rain steamtrain
      - captures the intrusion of industrial in the countryside

Head, Hand, Heart - arts & craft movement motto

head - creativity
hand - skill
heart - honesty

Eli Whitney - made a machine to pick seeds from cotton
- unientended consequences 
 - meant more slaves to pick cotton

James Hargreaves - spinning jenny
1856 - first synthetic dye created - by accident

Ghandi Marie

Walter Benjamin essay
'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction' 1936
discusses an 'aura' possessed by an original piece of art
- lots of people have reacted to it
Duchant - Urinal
"pure" art
original piece of art has links to here it was made and where viewed
mechanical reproduction

The Slow Movement Carl HonorĂ©
return to traditional forms of production
about trying to do everything at the right speed
quality over quantity

Miguel Adrover 2009
started with recycled fashion then changed to eco fabrics

Kate Malone

Gareth Neal
- wood core material
ghost of furniture past 
- buying the idea of the artist

Daniel Bell
economy produces goods ------> provides services
knowledge becomes valid form of capital producing ideas - main way to grow economy

more value given to working with head then hands
beautiful mind

Danny Boyle - nation of ideas
Paul Romer- 
      economic growth
      which education system is best

Kevin Spacey
art + culture are critical, not only for our well being, but for the economy
1st second life divorce

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