Sociology - personal/cultural choice
Beautiful Aesthetics
Greek philosophers
order symmetry definetness
Art was supposed to be beautiful
- German and British thinkers
aesthetics - younger sister of logic
- can understand not just see
German philosophers
Banmgarten, Kant, Schiller, Hegel, Schopenhauer
- being moved to action - children in need
nothing to do with you but you can experience it - makes it pure
Oscar Wilde
beautify the outward aspects of life, beautifies the inner ones
Hagarth + Burk
Beauty as a platonic ideal
- on one side
Beauty is culturally determined
- on the other
Anthony Ashley-Cooper
- beauty the sensory version of moral goodness
- things that are good are beautiful
The Picture of Dorian Gray
- Oscar Wilde
- bad things will show in your face
Mean Girls
Jeremy Irons
Proper differences + changes in historical view as important
Kant "class taste" not everyone in the same class will agree
"Proper" = taste
taste + consumption lined
- Punk purposely went for bad taste
economical context
- "supply creates its own demand"
taste creates demand
demand creates supply
14th century - consumption had a big political element
- made materials + colours for certain classes so lower classes couldn't wear it - cost and status
- segregate and subdugate
5 whys
War of Roses
- arguments about who should be king
- keep them busy with the clothes then they wont think too much bout it and try to overthrow the king
Aristocratic consumption
industrialisation coming around to even middle classes could keep up with fashion
Hogarth "Gin Lane" + "Beer Alley"
show taste through everyday actions
- people reveal information about their positions + hierarchies
U and non-U English Usage
| |
| the aspiring middle class
upper class
working classes are not mentioned
- W class used the same words as the upper class
U class use traditional language the don't need to make themselves sound posh
M class use posh words to big themselves up
W class use plain traditional language
Class System (1956)
Geory Simmel
fashion a vehicle for strengthening a unity of social classes + making them distinct
Thorsten Veblen
high social status comes from physically not working not doing hard labour
mass consumption
18th century
- not just about social status
people get new goods because they can - consumption
Taste + Class
Pierre Bourdiew
tastes of social classes based on possibilities + constraints of social action
constraints not just because of different classes having more/less money
- education + social origin
social capital cultural capital political capital natural capital
\ | | /
can \ can | | can / way
turn \ affect | | determine / to
into \ | | / make
\ | | /
U class tatse
refined + subtle definitions
aesthetic value
M class
no taste - copying upper
W class
choose the necessary
not reasonable to trace all social action back to status competition
association between social class + taste isn't as strong as it used to be
- declassifying affects of post modern culture
free floating signifiers
- if you like it go ahead and like it
value theory
Baudrillard - French philosopher
Marx - all objects have a "use value" - what it is useful for + an "exchange value" - what it costs
BMW "symbolic value"
your practice
what you are making
- use value
- sign exchange value
- social distinction
- symbolic exchange
Ted Notten
Evening Butterfly ring
- pure gold
so price changes with the price of gold
some people make a decision to go against taste
John Martiss + Divine } idea of taste in film
1st hairspray
Harvey Nichols
- introduced elements of bad taste
re-appropriation in class
- stuffed cat rug
Jake + Dinos Chapman
shouldn't force bad taste on people who have no choice
- animals and children
taste - age determined
taboo around "fat"
taste/bad taste can be used to shut down debate
understanding of taste expressed in actions between people
different socio-economic groups likely to have different tastes
what part (if any) does a desire or need for good/bad taste play in your work?
does "good taste" = safety
"Good taste is the enemy of creativity"
Pablo Picasso
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