Sunday, 6 October 2013

Defining Craft

Define Craft

Here are some definitions I found from various sources:

Google says:
noun: an activity involving skill in making things by hand
verb: use skill in making
synonyms: art - skill - trade - artifice - handicraft - vessel

Wikipedia says:
a pastime or profession that requires some particular kind of skilled work

The Free Dictionary says:1) skill in doing or making something, as in the arts; proficiency
3a) an occupation/trade requiring manual dexterity or skilled artistry
3b) the membership of such an occupation or trade, guild
noun: An art, trade or occupation requiring special skill, esp. manual skill

Oxford Dictionaries says:
origin: Old English cræft - ''strength, skill' Germanic origin

"craft is remembering that art is seen, felt and heard as well as understood, knowing that not all ideas start with words, thinking with our hands as well as our heads"- Mark Jones, Director at Victoria and Albert Museum

my thoughts:

I noticed that many definitions of craft involve the word 'skill', which I think is wrong, because there are many amateur crafts people that do very well in the crafts world.
I agree with the definition in bold, because it is none specific, although I don't necessarily agree with the word skill.

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